Harris Federation
Our academy is a member of the Harris Federation, a group of 55 primary and secondary academies in and around London educating some 44,000 young people. The Harris Federation Teaching School Alliance enables us not only to train and develop teachers and leaders in our own academies, but also to do so for other schools.
Each academy is led and run by its Principal and other senior leaders: we are deliberately a federation rather than a chain. What unites us is a culture that ensures the children and teenagers in our schools get an excellent education within a happy, caring and supportive environment.
As a result of this, the vast majority of Harris academies so far to have been inspected by Ofsted have been rated either ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ with the vast majority being Outstanding. Many of these academies replaced schools previously considered to have been failing.
The Harris Federation has been recognised as a top performer by education researchers at the Department for Education, Sutton Trust and Education Policy Institute as well as Watchsted and PwC.
We are a not-for-profit charity created by Lord Harris of Peckham. He and his family take an active interest in every Harris academy, supporting us financially and with their time.
You can find out more about the Harris Federation at www.harrisfederation.org.uk.
Federation documents and policies can be found at www.harrisfederation.org.uk/policies
You can also follow @HarrisFed on Twitter.
Harris Federation, 4th Floor Norfolk House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR0 1LH
Telephone: 020 8253 7777
Fax: 020 8253 7778
E-mail Address: info@harrisfederation.org.uk