Catering Information and Useful Links
Catering at this academy
The lunch catering service is provided by Chartwells, part of the Compass Group. Chartwells are a well-established and experienced school caterer. The service is provided under contract with Harris Federation.
A typical lunch-time food offering.
This link provide details of the current lunchtime menu service which you can see runs on a three weekly menu cycle.
Click here
For the academic year, 2024-25, all state-funded primary schools will be provide free schools meals for all children from Year R to Year 6 under the London Mayor's Scheme.
Here is a link to the Eatwell Guide (from Public Health England) – this provides a useful overview of what food groups make up a balanced and healthy diet.
If your child has a special diet and/or certain food intolerances, then we have a special diet procedure which contains a form for the parent/carer to complete and return – link here.